Pre-owned the Studio is the online luxury platform for selling and purchase authentic second hand designer items. At Pre-owned the Studio we think it is important to give pre-owned designer items a new life. This way we give designer enthusiasts the opportunity to score their dream bag for an affordable price. Think brands like Chanel, Louis Vuitton and Hermès! The focus is not only on vintage gems but also on recent purchases. As long as the items are authentic, you can sell them with us.
Every month you there will be an Instagram Story sale. So be sure to follow us @preownedthestudio.
Share your latest purchase with us or tag us #preownedthestudio.
In addition, enjoy the designer offer on the platform. Do you see a nice item? Be quick, we only have 1 !
Let us introduce ourselves meet Alisha and Max, founders of Pre-owned the Studio. We will be your new digital BFF’s when you are looking for a pre-owned designer bag.
After working 5 years for, our new platform Pre-owned the Studio is now live. Join us on our new adventure. Follow us to see all the designer bags we have to offer.
With love,
Alisha and Max
Alisha Chitanie
Max van der Waals
Pleun de Nijs
Content Creator